Refashioned Vintage Kimonos / Clothing / Silk Scarves / Collage

Sally Wilkins
I love the creative process. Art has been a way for me to connect with the intuitive part of myself and with practice I’ve come to trust that intuitive voice or feeling. I have a background in fashion, I’ve been a fitness guru, and I currently teach Yoga, meditation and the creative process.
I had a nervous breakdown at the age 34, and through that experience I realized I didn’t have any true joy in my life and I set out to find it, leading me to my first painting class and to my beloved Yoga. In the beginning, I painted large very childlike images, butterflies, big giant fish, and abstracts. And guess what, I still do! Also through the years I collected beads, found objects, handmade paper and glass. There was one voice saying “what are you going to do with all this stuff, you’re becoming a hoarder, you’re being foolish) and there was also that little shy intuitive voice saying “one day you will create art with all this stuff, trust yourself, your OK”. That voice just continues to grow stronger.
A few years ago I started dyeing and painting silk and I have to say that process makes my heart sing. There is something that happens when you’re creating something and you think this is not looking so good, but you stay on the path, try not to judge, and at the end of the process you step back and go WOW that’s awesome!
Art and Yoga helped me heal my body and my mind. For me, in the practice of Art and the practice of Yoga there is no good or bad, right or wrong, there just is. As an artist and a Yogi, I find balance between light and dark, masculine and feminine, hot and cold, yin and yang and that is something you can’t hold on to because it is ever-changing. Staying focused and hopeful even while uncomfortable. It means staying fresh and alive in every moment.
Yoga, meditation and the creative process helped to free my spirit and bring joy to my heart. And I love teaching that process.
3525 Timberview Road
Sally Wilkins
Refashioned Vintage Kimonos, Clothing, Silk Scarves and Collage
[email protected]