Oil Painting / Pet Portraiture

For Lori Cusick, art is a sensory experience. As often as possible, she paints en plein air, meaning she conceives and creates her oil paintings outdoors, on location. Nature provides her with an endless source of inspiration when painting onsite and in the studio.

“For me, art is looking at the world or an object or an animal and experiencing all the wonders of color within it,” Cusick said. “When you work en plein air, you see colors differently. It forces you to paint more freely, to respond to changing light patterns, feel the wind blowing, hear the birds singing, completely immerse yourself in the environment. Everything going on around you ends up on that canvas.”

The one thing that brings her inside her home studio is her pet portraits, which she creates after an in-person, one-on-one “meeting” with the subject. By getting to know these amazing creatures in their home environment, Cusick can better capture their unique spirits on canvas.

“When I paint a dog or a horse or a tree, I’m not painting them in meticulous, photographic detail. I paint how my mind sees their personalities,” Cusick said.

Cusick resides in Dallas, Texas; a long way from the mountains of New York, where she was born and raised.

3730 Northview Lane
Lori Cusick
Painting & Pet Portraiture

On Instagram: @loricusickart
On Facebook: @loricusickart

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