Pencil / Oil / Watercolor

Nathan Jones is a graduate of The University of Texas. He engaged in a broad curriculum of study at several educational institutions, including Texas Southern University, University of Dallas, The Columbus College of Art and Design, El Centro College, and Richland College. Jones completed more than ten, and one half (10½) years of study collectively at these institutions

Painting with a pencil
This extraordinary technique developed by Nathan Jones transforms fine-grain tones of graphite into the appearance of liquid paint. However, to say that it is unique is merely an understatement. Nathan Jones has created a style, and method never before realized in the history of art. Endless hours of intensive experimentation were demanded to realize this technique that achieves the rich texture, and depth of color by use of black and white, and harmony through continuous values opposed to tone. This unique feature of his style, Painting with a Pencil, enhances the deep emotional realism of his work. His subject matter reflects the love and empathy he has for the youth, and aged of America. His sensitivity is grounded in the sub-soil of human experience, and the very sustenance of our daily lives. He has captured the most private moments in an intimate manner that records with fidelity, detail in our triumphs, tragedies, our laughter, and bitter tears. His work embodies the essence of experience previously lost from memory.

As an artist, Nathan Jones has been widely recognized for an outstanding degree of excellence in his work. He recently was selected as one of the finalists in the American Artists Annual Competition in New York. He was selected as one of the top twenty (20) artists from more than 5,000 other submitting artists. He has also been chosen as one of the top thirteen (13) artists in America today sharing this coveted honor with Norman Rockwell. The award was part of the Artists of America 74 Exhibit at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Several academic honors have been directed toward this artist. The University of Texas, from which he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, bestowed the first Outstanding Alumnus Award of the School of Fine Arts upon Nathan Jones. He is also the youngest, and the first in the field of fine arts to receive this award. In addition to these honors, he was awarded a one-year scholarship from the Columbus College of Art and Design in a national competition “to honor excellence, and promise in the field of fine art.”

His first museum show was at the Midland Museum of Fine Arts in January 1975, and as early as 1960, his works were exhibited at The Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. Most recently Mr. Jones’ works have been involved in three separate shows, and exhibitions in the New York area alone. Circle Gallery and The Randall Gallery have exhibited his work during the winter and spring seasons. In October of 1977, Mr. Jones had a private collectors’ exhibit in the New York area which was followed by a public opening.

Nathan Jones is truly a Master Artist; from his Paintings with a Pencil, exquisite watercolors, magnificent limited editions, hand-colored original lithographs, and his superbly created oil paintings, there is little in the field of fine art that this artist of the people cannot create. We welcome you to a collection of his masterworks.

About Nathan Jones, Master Artist
Nathan Jones is a modern-day Renaissance Man, a golfer, inventor, master artist, architectural construction builder, entrepreneur, author, and recognized by The National History Makers as a history maker.

Nathan Jones received his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from The University of Texas. He engaged in a broad curriculum of study at several educational institutions, including Texas Southern University, University of Dallas, The Columbus College of Art and Design, El Centro College, and Richland College. Jones completed more than ten years of study at these institutions, collectively.

Master Artist
Nathan Jones has been widely recognized for excellence in his work in the field of fine art. Jones was commissioned by the US Postmaster General to create a United States postage stamp of Dr. Charles R. Drew. Designer of a number of Southwestern Bell telephone book covers covering the entire State of Texas, Jones was also commissioned to paint a collection of Civil War soldiers to be used on the cover of several editions of the University of Oklahoma Press publication The Buffalo Soldiers. He was a finalist in the American Artists Annual Competition in New York, selected as one of the top twenty artists from more than 5,000 submissions. He has also been chosen as one of the top Thirteen Artists of America today, sharing this coveted honor with Norman Rockwell. The award was part of the Artists of America ’74 Exhibit at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Jones has also received several academic honors for his work. The University of Texas, from which he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, bestowed upon him the first Outstanding Alumnus Award of the School of Fine Arts. He is also the youngest, and the first in the field of fine arts to receive the Alumnus Award. In addition to these honors, he was awarded a one-year scholarship from the Columbus College of Art and Design in a national competition “to honor excellence, and promise in the field of fine art.” Nathan Jones is truly a Master Artist; from his Paintings With A Pencil technique Jones created exquisite watercolors, magnificent limited editions, hand-colored original lithographs, and his superbly rendered oil paintings.

Dallas Museum of Fine Art, University of Texas, Longview Museum, Fisk University, Smithsonian Nashville, Midland Museum of Fine Art, UCLA Center, Time Warner-Amex, Federal Reserve Bank, Dallas Public Library, Museum of Afro American Art (California), The Plains Museum, W.A.G. Museum (L.I. New York), North Texas State University, Gil Crease Museum of Fine Art, Kansas African American Museum, Sanamu African Museum.

US President Lyndon B. Johnson, US President Ronald Reagan, Tiger Woods golfer, Joe Greene pro football player, Bill Cosby actor-comedian, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Greg Morris actor, Lynn Swann, Ella Fitzgerald singer, Mrs. Paul’s Kitchen, Inc., Charlie Pride singer, Raymond St. Jacques actor-produce, Calvin Hill Pro football player, and Benny Barnes.

Nathan Jones has had 38 years of experience in manufacturing production, distribution, and marketing which included fine art, and real estate. Among his many areas of interest, Jones studied architectural building construction at The University of Texas. He has spent several years in the field of architecture dedicating five years to residential home construction, where he designed, produced architectural renditions, built homes, as well as a medical facility, a day care center, and designed limited structural renovations to existing buildings. Jones designed, and built The Jones Studio Gallery to market his fine art and ancillary products, exclusively. As a marketing entrepreneur Jones has spent countless hours developing a creative marketing program to canvass retail, wholesales, and direct sales for product distribution.

The Product Inventions
Nathan Jones has been playing golf for more than 25 years. Along the way, he realized that there were no easy ways for golfers to keep their gear clean while playing. Most of the solutions that were available were terribly ineffective, bulky, heavy, and inefficient. Jones created JetCaadee™ products to provide easy-to-use gear for golfers to clean their equipment while playing. Jones designed, created and refined the products for golfers convenience, efficiency, availability, and to keep them within reach before and after every shot. The game of golf has been played for more than 550 years, without an effective way to keep clubs and other gear working at top efficiency. Jones holds several U.S. patents on products to improve the game of golf. With the JetCaadee Jones has revolutionized golf cleaning equipment during play. The golf tee was invented and patented in 1899 by George Franklin Grant, and almost precisely 100 years later Nathan Jones invented and patented the JetCaadee in 1999.

Awards and Honors
• Creator of 1981 Commemorative U.S. Postage Stamp of Dr. Charles Drew 
• Creator of 1981-82 Southwestern Bell Telephone Directory Cover 
• Bronze Jubilee Award, WETV, Atlanta, Georgia 
• Texas Ranger Hall of Fame – Awarded Jones a Life Membership 
• Advertising Artists Association of Dallas / Award 
• Galaxy of Stars Achievement Award, Dallas Independent School District 
• The University of Texas – First Outstanding Alumnus Award 
• National Society of Interior Designers Award 
• In a National Competition – the Columbus College of Art and Design Award 
• The State Fair of Texas First and Second Place Awards 
• Coca-Cola Bottling Company-a Nationwide Competition Award 
• In the 10th Statewide Annual Art Show Sponsored by “Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood” – First Place Award 
• Mrs. Paul’s Kitchens, Inc. – National Art Committee Selected Nathan Jones as One of the Thirteen Outstanding Contemporary Artists of America 
• The Southwestern Watercolor Society Award

Collectors – Exhibitions 
• Lyndon B. Johnson – U.S. President 
• Ronald Reagan – U.S. President 
• Joe Greene – All Pro Football Player 
• Bill Cosby – Actor and Comedian 
• Raymond St. Jacques-Actor and Producer 
• J. H. Fleisher – Art Collector 
• Gladys Knight and the Pips-Entertainers 
• Calvin Hill – All Pro Football Player 
• Mrs. Pauls, Inc. – Intl. Food Distributor 
• Hill Feinberg – Art Collector 
• Ronald E. Barnes – Art Collector 
• Greg Morris – Actor and Producer 
• Ella Fitzgerald – Singer and Actor 
• Charlie Pride – Country, Western Singer 
• Stuart Frank – Art Collector 
• Lynn Swann – Pittsburgh Steelers 
• Benny Barnes – Dallas Cowboy 
• W. P. Newland – Mega Corp. President 
• Robert M. Campbell – Supreme Court Justice 
• Warner-Amex. Cable Broadcasting 
• University of Texas – Museum 
• Longview Museum and Art Center 
• Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee 
• The Smithsonian, Washington, D.C. 
• Midland Museum of Fine Art 
• UCLA Center for Afro-American Studies 
• Federal Reserive Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio 
• Dallas Public Library 
• Museum of Afro-American Art, Santa Monica, CA 
• Plains Museum, Canyon, Texas 
• W. A. G. Museum, Long Island, New York 
• North Texas State University 
• Dallas Museum of Fine Art

6423 Aberdeen Ave
Nathan Jones
Pencil, oil & watercolor

[email protected]
On Instagram: @nathanjonesartist_

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